(English version)
I feel dirty dressed like this, but at the same time powerful when I see them saluting me. They don’t know who I am and I pray for them not to find it out. At least, not before I achieve my goal. I need to control my breathing, as it could alert them of what I’m about to do. My qualities as a sniper will help with it. A misstep could ruin everything and, I would not forgive me that in life. I can’t let my beloved France down, neither can I fail the world, since from my mission depends that our allies open gap through Normandy, starting to win this damn war. And from my success also depends that the feeling of revenge that is inside me ends. The Geologist suffering, the remorse of not having being able to fence my husband properly with my precision rifle, falling victim of the Nazi “Parabellum”. The torture and sacrifice of my brother, or the death of my girls…
I have already crossed half way of the platform and they have not halted me yet. The disturbance made by Jeanne is working because nobody pays me attention now.
My heart is pumping more and more, since I’ve came into the fog and I know what is waiting for me as soon as I cross it. Yes, it’s there, I go for it!
The cigarette fell from the coronel lips when a couple of cushioned shots lodge in his chest, while a French shade disguised of Luftwaffe was disappearing at the end of the tunnel. The body of Hendrich lying on the floor was diming between spasms and gasps, but for when he could be found it would be too late.
Louise had accomplished the mission and Day “D” was now possible thanks to the determination of La Résistance, and also thanks to many people who gave their lives in order to achieve it, in which ranks were those makeshift women of the shadows. History will do the rest and Normandy will write with gold and blood Characters, a word … Liberté!
Pepe Gallego
(Translated by Ariadna B. Alonso)

"La Résistance" by Pepe Gallego is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.
(English version)
–It destroyed me. All my innocence devastated by the one we were obliged to call father. All my childhood intimidated under the yoke oppression of a performed divine word, which was turning into a sin everything which could the question even minimally his crooked morality. But nevermore…
When I reached the age and had enough value to flee, I dragged my aching soul and punished body through the streets, leaving on my own and only this volume in my hands. I have learnt a lot since it happened and I could say I have received the knowledge it contains. I am pretty sure he is not going to share my point of view. Any of those ones who bumped into my life, those who had the Devil’s mark in their eyes, and all of them ended up receiving the odd doctrine I am carrying on my shoulders.
Now I am ready to visit the place which was my home and my prison as well. It´s now when I can say a prayer:
I beg your pardon , my Lord because I know what I am doing.
Úrsula got to the place with such cold eyes and that hateful look. Even the blunt gadget she used to give her particular salvation was coated by that hate. As she was approaching firmly to that figure in front of the altarpiece, the whispering from the sceptical people kept increasing. When the priest raised his eyes and saw, an awful feeling flooded his eyes.
–Hello father, can you remember me? –His hands weren't able to hold the holy chalice and it fell pouring The Christ’s blood on the communion table.
–I am sure you do, I am here to expiate your sins –she points out to her Bible before sentencing:
–You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free –and squeezing the baseball bat she had until it rustled, she added– because you are going to die today...
Pepe Gallego
(Translated by Cristina Figueras)

"Redemption" (English) by Pepe Gallego is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.