(Traduction by Cristina Figueras)
(Illustration by Fran Galán)
(Sculpture by Pedro Fernández Ramos)
(Illustration by Fran Galán)
(Sculpture by Pedro Fernández Ramos)

- Hunters’ daughter. My name was willingness and an intent he was not able to discover. He led and perpetrated a gratuitous multiple murder just for pure pleasure. He really thought that taking me in beneath his hierarchical mantle would be enough to make me erase those terrible memories. My sister, my parents , my unfortunate younger brother!!, he was just a vulnerable cub......
All of them fighting bloodstained, smashed under his jaws and claws...there was impossible to forget, how cold I do it?
But he made a mistake, he tried to win my eyes. He was not able to kill me at last. He adopted me and brought me there with his family, his clan, whose members I got to recognise as mine, my brothers and the ones that treated me with esteem and respect.
For years, I acquired hunting skills such as approaching my preys with stealth, or following trails. I even learnt how to assault my victims and where.
They helped me to improve my skills but they were not able to see the threat that was hovering over their heads...
My hard feelings relating my family loss never gave me up but it was too late when he could notice it.
His last sight he had was my thirst for vengeance as well as his own blood splashing my face as my chert spear was cutting his neck off in a grotesque way.
My adoptive father, that lion king I really got to appreciate, stopped existing, died. Even today, his vivid memory hangs from my leg as spoils of war, as a real trophy while his progeny still keeps on trying to capture me.
Three of them have already dropped dead and I really can smell the panic they are feeling. The fourth has not realized yet about the fact that he would be the next and he has no clue how close his ending is. I can’t get used to the idea of killing those who were my herd brothers, but if I had any doubt , any empathy I just rub the slave ring they tied to my neck since the very beginning and that was the main difference among us for ages. At that moment, I recognise telling myself I am Kainda, hunters´daughter. -
Pepe Gallego

"Kainda, the cheetah woman" por Pepe Gallego se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional.
Basada en una obra en http://www.origenart.es/index.php/tienda/miniaturas/kainda-la-mujer-guepardo-detail.
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